Yoi, and Double Yoi – RIP Myron Cope

Legendary Steelers broadcaster and Terrible Towel inventor Myron Cope passed away today at age 79.

He lived a street over from me growing up and was considered a bit of a neighborhood grouch if you blocked his driveway, but he was the soul of Steelers fans and the reason why most Pittsburghers turned down the sound on their TV’s and listened to the radio play by play during the game.

If you’ve never heard Myron speak, be sure to check out Arlin’s Myron Cope’s Sounds, which covers everything from dirty coin tosses, “Who’s Barry Manilow“, to yelling about Kordell’s pump fake near the end zone.

(My recent favorite being his objections to how early Monday Night Football is on the west coast.)

Rest in peace Myron. Hmmmm hah.

~ by Sarah Sprague on February 27, 2008.

8 Responses to “Yoi, and Double Yoi – RIP Myron Cope”

  1. /Pouring some out
    /Waving Terrible Towel
    /Wiping tear from eye

  2. Sniff. Myron was a lot of fun to listen to on occasion. Sorry, Steeler fans.

  3. I called my mom today and we talked about Myron for a bit. We sat through Cope’s Cabana after a terrible loss to the Texans in 2002 and couldn’t get over this old guy smoking and drinking during his radio show. He will be missed.

  4. […] R.I.P., Myron Cope: The radio voice of the Steelers passed away; TSW has a nice compilation of links of what made him special. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette; Black and Gold Tchtchkes] […]

  5. Myron is no longer with us, but his legend will live on FOREVER! The Terribl Towel is IMMORTAL!

  6. Even as a Browns fan, Myron’s passion in that video gave me chills. Sportscasting at its finest. Biased, impassioned, and straight from the heart.

  7. Was that in St. Clair? We used to go trick or treat at his house.

  8. Yep. :)

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